Law Firms

Are you looking for an independent, third-party opinion on the real value of a property?

Lawyers can count on us for professional, comprehensive and independent opinions of the value of their clients’ real estate and we deliver in a timely manner and with personalized service. No more dealing with front counter support staff or delayed responses. At Ancore, we’re always available to reach in person, and you deal directly with an appraiser who is accessible around the clock.

Our appraisers are designated members of the Appraisal Institute of Canada and are recognized by the courts to provide expert testimony before judicial and quasi-judicial bodies.

Our appraisers provide the appraisals for legal professionals for matters such as:

  • Matrimonial disputes

  • Bankruptcy proceedings

  • Trusts

  • Expropriation

  • Property tax appeal

  • Foreclosure

  • Partner disputes

  • Estate purposes

  • Retrospective Value

Our AIC-designated appraisers provide valuation services for the following property types:

  • Residential—single-family homes, multi-units, recreational, heritage, etc.

  • Commercial—office buildings, retail, hotels, storage facilities and other income-based properties

Our appraisers are highly-trained and trusted professionals who adhere to the highest standards in the field of appraising: the Canadian Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (CUSPAP).

You've worked hard to get where you are, and you're at the top of your game. Isn't it about time you had an appraiser on your team that gave you the attention and service you deserve?

Call us today or click here to order an appraisal for immediate service.


Are you being transferred? We can help with timely, professional employee relocation appraisals.

When performing a relocation appraisal, you’re not interested in the “fair market value” but the anticipated sale price of your property. This requires special consideration to be given to recently closed sales as well as current competitive listings, pending sales, and expired listings.

The end result of this thorough analysis is a reliable forecast of a sales price that can be relied upon, considering the local market and neighbourhood as well as significant factors reflecting the effective date of the appraisal.

Our team of professional appraisers are very familiar with the requirements for relocation appraisals and can complete the final report on the most up to date relocation appraisal forms.

We are committed to delivering relocation appraisals in a timely manner and take the utmost pride in providing exceptional customer service from the start to finish of every assignment. All of our relocation appraisals are completed by experienced and accredited members of the Appraisal Institute of Canada.

Call us today or click here to order an appraisal for immediate service.